Hernia Surgery Post-Operative Instructions

Recovery from hernia surgery is like that of other abdominal surgeries. However, because of the effect of surgery on the muscle wall, there are activity and dietary tips to take note of to help ensure the surgery is a success. Please see below:



As with any surgical procedure, there will be pain during recovery. Your pain will be most severe the first three to five days following surgery, and then it should gradually subside. You will be given a prescription for oxycontin for the pain: 1 tablet every 4 hours. You should try acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil), or naproxen (Aleve) first. The majority of your pain is muscle related and anti-inflammatory medicines are better than narcotics.  If the pain is still severe then you can take the oxycontin. Oxycontin is not mixed with acetaminophen (Tylenol) do you can take it in addition to the other medicines if needed. You should avoid driving while taking oxycontin because it can make you drowsy. Once pain improves or if the pain is not so severe, you may substitute oxycontin with acetaminophen (Tylenol), ibuprofen (Advil), or naproxen (Aleve).

The intermittent use of an ice pack on the wound for the first 3 days will help to reduce pain and prevent swelling. All the aches and pains associated with a hernia repair will take several weeks to fully resolve, but you should see a gradual improvement daily.

Incision / Wound Care

All incisions are closed with sutures under the skin that dissolve with tissue glue as a bandage. This tissue glue will wear off in 10-21 days. Do not place any antibiotic ointments or creams on the new scar after the glue comes off.

During the first few days, you may notice some swelling or discoloration around the incision site, which is normal. Some fluid (yellow to light red to orange) may ooze or leak from the incisions. This is generally normal. However, if the fluid is foul smelling, thick, or does not decrease in amount, call our office.

If you had an inguinal hernia repaired, you may experience some bruising and swelling of your groin, which may extend to the genital region (penis and scrotum for men; labia for women). This is not uncommon, and will resolve in a few weeks. Patients should wear tight compression short underwear for the first 5 days and then for comfort to reduce swelling and discomfort.



You may shower at any time but no bathing until 2 weeks after surgery. When you shower, you can get the tissue glue wet.


Physical activity/recovery

If you had a standard/open inguinal (groin) repair or open ventral hernia repair, you should avoid lifting anything greater than 15 pounds and any form of activity that puts strain on your abdominal muscles for three to six weeks.

If you had a robotic assisted incisional or ventral hernia repair, you should avoid lifting anything greater than 15 pounds and any form of activity that puts strain on your abdominal muscles for two weeks.

If you had a robotic assisted inguinal (groin) repair, you should avoid lifting anything greater than 15 pounds and any form of activity that puts strain on your abdominal muscles for one week.

Patients generally leave the hospital or surgery center the same day of surgery. When you return home, try to return to your normal daily activities as much as possible. As your pain dissipates, you may resume regular activities as tolerated. As you increase your activity, your discomfort will undoubtedly increase, but this is not harmful. Simply use common sense. When you start experiencing soreness or pain, it’s time to slow down or stop what you are doing. Walking will be the best form of exercise.

You may begin driving after 48 hours or when you are no longer taking a narcotic for pain control, whichever occurs later. You can return to work when your pain level dictates, except if your job requires heavy lifting. Typically, patients stay off work for an average of one week, but this is variable.



There are no dietary restrictions after surgery. You may become constipated after surgery, so it is best to include fiber (ex. Bran, grains, vegetables) in your diet along with plenty of water. In addition, you can take over the counter stool softeners until your bowel function normalizes. If you do not have a bowel movement in 48 hours, you may take one to two ounces of milk of magnesia.


When to contact the office

Please call the office if you experience any of the following:

  • Persistent fever over 101° f
  • Increasing swelling at the incision
  • Pain that is not relieved by your medications
  • Persistent nausea or vomiting
  • Chills
  • Purulent drainage (pus) from any incision
  • Redness surrounding any of your incisions that is worsening or getting bigger
  • Inability to eat or drink liquids